Tocatì’s nomination for the Register of Good Practices for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage has been submitted from Italy, the leading country, to the UNESCO secretariat in Paris!
Tocatì is a shared programme for the safeguarding of traditional games and sports and five countries are involved whose representatives will sign the dossier in the coming days: Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, France and Italy. Many Italian gaming and traditional sports communities are networking with AGA – Associazione Giochi Antichi to safeguard traditional games and sports and are a living part of Tocatì’s nomination.
Waiting for the results of the evaluation and registration we continue to play and commit ourselves to consolidate our network and make TOCATÌ live: a “community of communities” committed to the present and the future!
?Il President Franco Bernabè expressed his personal appreciation for the nominations submitted and underlined the importance of defending and enhancing our intangible cultural heritage at this difficult time.